Theme: Lighthearted Nerdiness

BOOK: Sourdough (2017) by Robin Sloan
Most were somewhat dismissive of this book. Nigel was the only one who really enjoyed it.
Sadly Roland had to attend his Dad’s funeral
Robin had not managed to read the book and could not attend
Nick 2 / Tristan 3 / Nigel 7 / Keith 5 / Roland - / Robin -

MUSIC: OK Computer (1997) by Radiohead
Tristan’s brother in law encouraged him to listen to Radiohead despite it being whiney and shit
Too serious and po faced
Too lacking in hooks, melody and danceability
Of all their albums the one we like best is….
The Bends
Nick digs OK Computer
Nigel and Keith less so

FILM: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) directed by Edgar Wright
File under the same kind of quirky indie comedy as…
Napoleon Dynamite
Little Miss America
Moonrise Kingdom
Grand Budapest Hotel
etc etc
Edgar Wright is a flipping genius
Baby Driver is great too
Great cast
Very clever script
Bit of life message to enjoy too
Plenty of laughs along the way
And quotable dialogue too
Tick in every flipping box
Bodega (music)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (film)
Yesterday (film)
Chart Music (podcast)
Everybody in the House by Jeremy Deller (iPlayer)
Manhunter (film)
Margaret Thatcher (iPlayer)
Gorges du Tarn (France)
Back again in October for Keith’s selctions