On Thursday 21 July 2022, the Magnificent Seven rode again to discuss Nigel's Apocalyptic themed choices….
*THEME: Apocalyptic*
READ: Riddley Walker (1980) by Russell Hoban
Nigel explained that he knew little about Riddley Walker (1980) by Russell Hoban before reading it however, upon completion, it rocketed straight into his list of all time favourite books. It's extraordinary. A masterpiece, and a breathtaking feat of imagination. Within a few pages he was transfixed.
Riddley Walker is set several thousand years in the future following a nuclear apocalypse.
To do it justice in a short review is impossible so here are a few key points:
It's written in a strange, post-apocalyptic, survivor vernacular so the reader must slow down to understand what is happening. There are also various interpretations to ponder. Like the world, the language has been smashed into smaller pieces. The struggle with the language is what makes the novel so absorbing and rewarding
Riddley's world is coherently and stunningly evoked. Semi-nomadic groups eke
out a precarious existence from the boggy ground, often digging up the remains of a destroyed civilisation. It all takes place in "Inland" which we'd recognise as East Kent completed with former place names brutally and amusingly transformed
It's a philosophical book that touches on many big issues and even gets to the heart of what makes for a meaningful life
Power is another core theme: nuclear power, individual power, political power, the power of nature, personal responsibility, and speaking truth to power. Ultimately the only power is no power
It's sometimes quite funny
The old Christian religion and corrupted memories of long-dead technology often inform the acquisition, rediscovery and sharing of forbidden knowledge. Riddley's world is one of ritual, superstition, dreams, omens, coincidences, and telepathy, often apprehended through feelings and intuition. Riddley rarely seems consciously aware of what he is doing until it is too late
Religion, insofar as it exists is centred around the worship of Eusa a curious mix of the story of Saint Eustace and confused memories of nuclear war
Punch and Judy-style puppet shows are used by the Government to disseminate propaganda
It just has to be experienced.
But would puzzling their way through Riddley's strange and wonderful world be enjoyable or simply not worth all the trubba….
Hamish aside, and to varying degrees, it was more of a thumbs down than a ringing endorsement for the wonderful Riddley Walker. Ah well. No accounting for taste eh?
Nick 6 / Tristan 5.5 / Nigel 10 / Keith 4 / Roland 4 / Robin 3 / Hamish 9
LISTEN: Thunder Perfect Mind (1992) by Current 93
Some listeners have dubbed this Apocalyptic Folk, in addition track five is inspired by Riddley Walker. Would HBG herald this an Apocalyptic Folk masterpiece. Nigel liked it, as did Hamish. Tristan and Roland hated it. Everyone else was somewhere in between.
WATCH: Apocalypse Now (1979) dir by Francis Ford Copolla
Finally, we all agree that Apocalypse Now is still one of the greatest films of all time, well all except Hamish who is so over Vietnam.
23 June 2022 -> 21 July 2022
The Dogs of Berlin (Netflix)
Elvis (2022) (dir by Baz Luhrmann)
Love, Death and Robots (Netflix)
Oats Studios (Netflix)
Sister Sledge @ Love Supreme (Live music)
Sherwood (iPlayer)
In Bruges (Film) followed by a stay in Bruges (the place)
Deutschland 83 (TV)
Breaking Bad (Netflix)