Friday, 19 May 2023

Patricia Highsmith - Strangers on a Train (1950)

Robin’s choices: Thursday 6th April 2023

Once again we were lacking key members. This time Hamish was in his sick bed and Keith was in Toronto however both had penned reviews. The remaining self styled famous five gathered at Robin’s Lewes penthouse to ponder Robins’s Murder themed selections

Theme: *Murder*

READ:  Patricia Highsmith - Strangers on a Train (1950) 

Patricia Highsmith's superb novel was praised fulsomely by us all . A perfect psychological thriller. The set up is clever and widely known, however it is the unsettling descriptions of the psychological impact of the book's events which are so powerful. Paranoia, guilt, manipulation, mental breakdown, and depression are all vividly described in a very murky stew. The reader lives the inner horror experienced by the two men at the centre of the novel.

Robin also loved the unsympathetic characters and evocation of the 1950s. Roland was entranced by the claustrophobia and realistically obsessive behaviour. Keith was less impressed despite enjoying it and stated it wouldn’t stay with him, and that he preferred the film’s rewritten plot. Tristan and others highlighted the underwritten female characters

So, in short, a hit albeit with some minor misgivings.


Nick 7 / Tristan 7 / Nigel 8 / Keith 6  / Roland 9 / Robin 8 / Hamish 7.5

LISTEN: Robin’s Murder playlist

Hamish blimmin loves a playlist and praised this one. We all found tunes we enjoyed but generally the consensus was that we found it harder to review a playlist than an album or song. The death of the playlist? Time will tell

WATCH: Memento (2000) dir by Christopher Nolan

Hamish wonders if he's seen Memento

Everyone felt Memento stood up very well in the 23 years since it came out. One of Nolan’s best films.

HBG endorse it: 7th April 2023 -> 18 May 2023

Mad Professor (Live)

Duolingo (App)

Return to Seoul dir by Davy Chou (Film)

Walking in the South Pennines 

Beef (Netflix)

Colin From Accounts (BBC)

I'm Not A Monster: The Shamima Begum Story (Podcast)