Thursday, 16 June 2011

"Falling and Laughing: The Restoration of Edwyn Collins" by Grace Maxwell

We convened for some more bewitching literary discourse on Wednesday 15 June 2011.

Hamish explained that "Falling and Laughing: The Restoration of Edwyn Collins" by Grace Maxwell had been on his shelf some time, and that he wanted to give the group "a lighter read".  Naturally this meant he selected a  book about a man suffering from a serious stroke.   Hamish was generally impressed and highlighted how Grace's more nuanced opinions of the NHS were a result of who she dealt with a different stages of Edwyn's rehabilitation.  7/10

New boy Keith told how he was instantly seduced by Hamish's inspired choice.  He declared himself a big fan of Edwyn. Don't take life for granted was the lesson for Keith who lavished the book with 8/10.

Robin described his own recent experience of the NHS, his best mate's love of Orange Juice in the mid-1980s, only to conclude that this book would have been better written by someone else. 7/10

My full review is here.  I am an uber-Edwyn fan and enjoyed this book very much.  I wanted more on Edwyn's life before the stroke.  7/10.

Tristan pondered the motivation for the book - diary? Catharsis? Extended thank you note?  He noted the excellence of the NHS in an emergency situation and contrasted this with the more haphazard service for longer-term care.  Tristan was the first reviewer not to harbour some kind of liking for Edwyn.  6/10

Nick displayed incredible diligence by sharing the fruits of his research.  Information not contained in the book included how Grace and Edwyn were on the verge of splitting up before his stroke and how Edwyn's drinking was out of control.  Nick thought it was interesting that the book didn't cover these areas in any detail, and reflected on Edwyn and Grace's unusual relationship - both husband and wife, and also manager and client.  Nick was very enthusiastic about the book and described it as "beautifully written" with words that "jump off the page".  9/10

So all in all a well received book that inspired a very satisfying discussion.   The average score a very respectable 7.5/10

Appropriately we then went on to discuss...

To one degree or another everyone liked the album, though it was not Tristan's style.  

After more crisps and ale we bade each other farewell.  Another highly enjoyable gathering.

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