Tuesday, 6 December 2011

"Different for Girls: A girl's own true-life adventures in pop" by Louise Wener

The Hove Book Group met on Wednesday 23rd November at Jason's house in Stanmer Village to discuss "Different for Girls: A girl's own true-life adventures in pop" by Louise Wener (which has also been published under the title "Just For One Day: Adventures in Britpop").

Jason knows Louise, in addition to two other members of Sleeper, so was keen to read this book.  

Jason enjoyed it.  It resonated with his own experience of the music industry.  Jason enjoyed Sleeper's visit to Japan where he had also had a similar experience with young Japanese fans.  6/10

Keith is a Sleeper fan and enjoyed the book although he wouldn't recommend it to a non-fan. 7/10

Nigel really enjoyed it - particularly Louise's childhood recollections and the early years.  Nigel would recommend to anyone young person who craves fame and was interested that Louise wants her own kids to be accountants. 7/10

Tristan was struck by the misogyny of the traditional music press in the 1990s and overall found the book very entertaining. 7/10

Hamish appreciated the chatty, modern style and shared a similar experience of taping the charts with a cassette player (Binatone not Panasonic though triv fans).  Hamish gave Britpop short shrift though and wondered what Louise really thought about the other bands. 6/10

An overall rating of 6.6 from Hove's finest.  

We then discussed the music.  Most of us felt the music was enjoyable if a little dated.  Keith is still an avid listener.

Overall we had another splendid evening.  Next up we'll be discussing "Room" by Emma Donoghue in January 2012.

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